(Fellow, Institute of Chartered Accounts of Nigeria (FCA); Fellow, Institute of Management Consultants (fimc) and Certified Managemetn Consultants (CMC). )
Igbinovia E. James is the Bursar of LIMMS with accountability for the finance and account functions of the Institution. His services were transferred to the institute in 2019 from Lift Above Poverty Organization, a leading Nigerian Non-governmental organization within the LAPO Group after more two years where he was Head of Finance and Accounts. James has over thirteen years professional experience spanning accounting and finance, auditing, financial reporting and Investment analysis during which he as advised and worked to set other subsidiaries within the Group at executive and management level. James started his career as a branch accountant with the LAPO Microfinance Institution which transferred into Microfinance Bank, thereafter, he rose to the position of Zonal Head, Finance and Accounts operations in Ondo, Delta and Edo states. James holds a B.Sc. and M.Sc. Degrees both in Accounting from University of Benin and University of Lagos respectively. He equally has taken various courses and attended several programmes in top-rated business schools including Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, Deloitte Academy for Auditors. He is still inpursuit of continuous learning and professional development. James in a Fellow, Institute of Chartered Accounts of Nigeria (FCA); Fellow, Institute of Management Consultants (fimc) and Certified Managemetn Consultants (CMC).